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Packages by 3CX Ltd2 packages

3CX Call Flow Designer

3CX Ltd

The 3CX Call Flow Designer enables you to easily create voice applications on 3CX communications system. Voice applications are programs that interact with the user via the phone and then perform certain logic. For example, you can create a voice application that asks for a caller to input a customer number, which is then verified against a database. Based on this number the call can then be routed to a certain queue. Because the 3CX Call Flow Designer is entirely visual, little telephony or programming knowledge is required.

3CXPhone for Windows


Looking for a way to make and receive calls from your PC or laptop? Look no further! The 3CX softphone for Windows is a free app developed by 3CX, for use independent of the phone system. Once connected to your VoIP provider, it can be used to make and receive calls over your internet connection.

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